24 Hour Party People - TDH NEIPA
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Triple Dry Hopped The Series: ADVENT
We named this beer because we’re letting the hops party in the beer for 24 hours only. DJ, on the other hand, seems to be taking the name a little more literally during the Christmas period...
For the science bit: Triple Dry Hopping refers to the process of adding three separate hop additions post fermentation. Each hop variety is added alone at a specific temperature and then sits in contact with the beer for 12-24 hours before the next hop is added.
For the flavour bit: The initial dry hop is Citra, which was dosed at double the rate of our regular NEIPAs, however the contact time was limited to 24 hours. This provided a solid tropical fruit profile of mango and passion fruit. Next we used Columbus, a hop we haven’t used before in this series, for 24 hours which added complex and intense citrus notes. Finally we added Galaxy for 24 hours, the longest contact time we’ve allowed it in this series, to increase the passion fruit character and provide a freshly squeezed citrus tang.
500ml | 8% ABV