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Sunset Beige - West Coast IPA

Sunset Beige - West Coast IPA

Regular price $46.00

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One afternoon between hop selection sessions in Yakima Chief, the discussion naturally turned to one’s thoughts on their hair colour, to which one brewer claimed his hair colour was a ‘Sunset Beige’.

And, much like the countless and slightly differently coloured strands of his hair, which together make up his mane's truly unique hue, this beer is also the culmination of carefully considered ingredients and processes that make it truly unique.

Brewed using the big 3C’s of West Coast IPA hops - Centennial, Cascade and Columbus - along with the perfect amount of caramel malts, we brewed this traditional IPA to provide a complexity and depth inherent with this style whilst highlighting the pine and citrus notes from the hops. The colour is also a special shade of Sunset Beige.

500ml | 7.2%

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