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Retrograde - West Coast IPA

Retrograde - West Coast IPA

Regular price $48.00

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We’re dialing this new West Coast IPA all the way back to the ‘Old School’ end of the Westie range in order to show off what a New World hop can do. We're sometimes a bit wacky like that.

First we’ve recreated a malt base that would be well and truly at home in a Seattle craft beer dive bar in the mid 2000s.

We then dry hopped it with a substantial amount of Centennial hops to create a resinous base of citrus and pine, that made brewers fall in love with this style across the world, before adding an almost excessive dry hop of Motueka hops from New Zealand. The Motueka adds bright lemon and lime with a hint of sweet tropical fruits, that turns this beer from a one dimensional citrus bomb into a interdimensional, era jumping, complex-yet-easy drinking West Coast IPA.

500ml | 7% ABV

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