Try our new Fruit Enhanced Hazy beer series🍊🍺

Unnecessary But Cool - Acai Smoothie Sour

Unnecessary But Cool - Acai Smoothie Sour

Regular price $46.00

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Much like a tiny umbrella in a cocktail, throwing a silly amount of real fruit in our first sour for 2024 was not absolutely required, but it is fun.

Drawing inspiration from a Bondi breakfast bowl whilst channelling our inner Willy Wonkas, we’ve paired fresh Acai berries with blueberries and a touch of banana to create a smooth, thick and extra fruity sour with a sweet middle and a refreshingly tart end palate.

It also pours an enticing, bright purple colour that will have the beer purists passing on it, otherwise, it's kind of perfect for an unnecessary cocktail umbrella.

Contains lactose.

500ml | 6% ABV

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