NEW - Juice Trip - Fruit Enhanced Hazy🍊🍺

Side Quests - DDH IPA

Side Quests - DDH IPA

Regular price $46.00

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Take a knee gallant warrior.

Rarely does one know the moment that will make them a hero, but you brave one, are lucky. For if you complete the noble quest of leaving the main stage between acts, navigating the line for the portaloos, spending your life savings on a burger and finding your friends just in time for the first song, your name shall be gilded in gold amongst legends in the Hall of the Greats.

However, for extra XP, you may also choose to attempt one of the following side quests:

  • Have a D&M with a group of strangers

  • Lose your phone

  • Nap in the someone else’s tent

  • Fall in the mud

  • Momentarily slide into another realm

  • Combine Idaho 7 and El Dorado in a dry hop

  • Throw in some hand selected experimental hop HBC 586

  • Dance like no one’s watching as you’re overwhelmed by notes tangerine marmalade, pineapple sherbet and mangoes

500ml | 6.7% ABV

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NEW - Juice Trip Fruit Enhanced Hazy

Have you tried our new core range Fruit Enhanced Hazy? get 10% off cases for a limited time only.

taste the juice, take the trip


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