Xylon Cruiser - Oat Cream IPA
Regular price $44.00

In the land of brewing, there’s this thing called “logistics”, which means sometimes you have to produce a label for a beer waaay before you’ve brewed it. This is one such case. So usually, I would use this space to tell you all about this delicious oat cream, but I haven’t the foggiest idea what’s in it or how it was brewed. Instead, I’ll tell you about the label. Our junior designer Nakia designed it, and she’s put in three Easter eggs for you to find!* I’ll share what they are in our newsletter. And if that doesn’t put a rocket up you to subscribe via our website, I don’t know what will. Oh, oh! Here comes a Xylon Cruiser.
*At least we're being honest.
Contain lactose.
500ml | 6.5% ABV